When each student arrives at school, they bring with them their own preferences, challenges, and skills. Differentiated instruction is the educational concept of tailoring lessons to those unique traits. Though this theory requires substantial planning from teachers, there are clear benefits for engaging students and fostering a sense of investment in one’s own learning.
Keep reading to learn more about the history behind differentiated instruction, pros and cons of differentiation in the classroom, and classroom-ready examples.
Differentiated instruction is widely accepted as a way to leverage the unique learning characteristics of each student in order to deliver a more effective education. The concept dates back centuries, when teachers in one-room schoolhouses were forced to come up with ways to teach students of varying ages, abilities, and backgrounds in the same physical space. Schools, of course, have since expanded and divided into different grade levels among many classrooms, eliminating the need for such variety in a single spot.
Today, differentiated instruction replaces the concept of a singular teaching method for all. When making the shift from traditional approaches to differentiated instruction, it’s important to prioritize:
As the name suggests, differentiated instruction addresses the needs of each student with appropriate, individualized lessons. This enables students to meaningfully engage in critical thinking and problem solving as well as build their confidence during lessons pertaining to any subject.
However, teachers must dedicate substantial time to planning proper accommodations and lessons. Without specialized training, this can be extremely difficult, putting stress on educators and subsequently students, who might not buy into the process.
Here are some more pros and cons of differentiated learning:
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There are four main areas in which differentiated instruction can be implemented:
Keep in mind that differentiated instruction is not the same as scaffolding instruction, in which instructors deliver lessons in distinct segments, providing less and less support as students master new concepts or material. Instead of being a hands-off approach, differentiated instruction centers on variety and accommodation. Strategies to implement differentiated instruction include:
Here are some examples of differentiated instruction and how you can implement them in your classroom.
Interested in learning more about differentiated instruction and the latest educational guidance surrounding the method? The University of San Diego offers an online certificate course in Effective Classroom Managements and Solutions. Four courses that make up this self-paced offering aim to help new teachers develop strong leadership skills, while experienced teachers improve existing practice.
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