Get Graduate-Level University Credits for Law Enforcement Training
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The University of San Diego has partnered with leading regional and national law enforcement training programs to offer a pathway for their students to earn regionally-accredited graduate level extension credit for their work. This process is called “credit validation,” and generally involves providing USD copies of your completed work for evaluation and grading by a University faculty member.
Most credit validation options are available only to law enforcement professionals who are enrolling in the online Master of Science in Law Enforcement & Public Safety Leadership (MS-LEPSL) program. The credit validation process allows you to earn transfer credit toward the completion of your MS-LEPSL degree.
The University of San Diego has partnered with FBI-LEEDA to give Trilogy graduates the opportunity to have their coursework evaluated, given an academic grade, and validated for 6 graduate-level extension units that will count toward completion of the MS-LEPSL degree.
The University of San Diego has partnered with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to give graduates of POST’s Command College the opportunity to have their coursework evaluated, given an academic grade, and validated for 12 graduate-level extension units. MS-LEPSL enrollment is not required.
The University of San Diego has partnered with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office to give San Diego County Regional Leadership Institute graduates the opportunity to have their coursework evaluated, given an academic grade, and validated for 6 graduate-level extension units that will count toward completion of the MS-LEPSL degree.
The University of San Diego has partnered with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to give graduates of the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SLI) the opportunity to have their coursework evaluated, given an academic grade, and validated for 6 graduate-level extension units that will count toward completion of the MS-LEPSL degree.
The University of San Diego has partnered with the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to provide the Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) graduates with the opportunity to have their coursework evaluated, given an academic grade, and validated for 6 graduate-level extension units that will count toward completion of the MS-LEPSL degree.
USD’s Law Enforcement Leadership Credit Validation Program is meant for any law enforcement personnel who have completed any of the following training programs:
For all training programs above except Command College, credit validation is open only to students planning to enroll in the University of San Diego’s M.S. in Law Enforcement & Public Safety Leadership (MS-LEPSL) program. Students who have completed California POST’s Command College can request credit validation without subsequent enrollment in the MS-LEPSL program.