Project READ for DoDEA/Int’l Educators: Career and Technical Education – Putting Your Data to Work: Improving Instruction in CTE

Course Available
1 Unit
Independent Study Project READ

Course Description

Reading - A Potent Avenue for Professional Growth

Historian Barbara Tuchman once described books as being the carriers of civilization. Those of us who work to preserve and improve civilization by educating young minds need the intellectual and emotional stimulation and sustenance that comes from reading important books. Project READ is designed for busy educators who wish to remain on the "cutting edge" in their chosen disciplines.

The cost is minimal; the rewards are endless. Each book is assigned to a specific course number.

Project READ is developed for educators in the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) and overseas international schools. This course has been approved by DoDEA. Each book is assigned a different course number corresponding to the book title.

Course Details

Number of Units: 1.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers of DoDEA and International students.

Course Materials: Putting Your Data to Work: Improving Instruction in CTE by John Foster et al., available from the Association for Career and Technical Education® website

Course Options

Course Date Units Price
EDU-X707U – 002 Start now, you have 270 days to complete this course once enrolled 1 $134

IS/Project READ for DoDEA/Int’l Educators: Career and Technical Education – Putting Your Data to Work: Improving Instruction in CTE

Start now, you have 270 days to complete this course once enrolled
Independent Study Project READ
Jeff Olivero

Once you have enrolled in this course, you may access Course Instructions upon logging into your account.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the subject matter of the book title and the author's point of view
  • Identify areas that are of specific importance to your educational role
  • Reflect on that knowledge and how you, as an educator, can implement this information with your students, their parents, your school, and/or your classroom
  • Identify and elaborate on any ideas that the author mentions that you challenge


Professional development courses offered by the University of San Diego’s Division of Professional & Continuing Education are taught by faculty that possess a depth and breadth of academic and real-world professional experience.

Why USD?

The Professional and Continuing Education program nurtures key partnerships on the local, national, and international level. The goal is to better serve working professionals who seek to enhance or build their careers and help achieve their highest value and potential. Contact us today to learn more.

Informative Stats and Facts


High-quality, career-building courses to choose from


In-depth, innovative, and relevant topics


Career advancing certificates

Learning Method Information

Courses offer a convenient, yet rigorous style of learning that allows you to structure your education to suit your schedule while keeping you on pace toward achieving your educational.

Independent Study Project READ

Independent Study Self-Paced: Independent study courses offer you flexibility and the ability to complete a course faster or slower than you would a traditional live course. In this online format, you may register at any time and you will have a set time period (typically 9 months) from the time of registration to complete your course. This convenient format is often helpful for:

  • Working professionals with tight schedules
  • Students who require a specific course to meet professional development or recertification requirements
  • Students living in remote locations
  • Students who cannot easily attend courses due to injury or illness
  • Students who are self-motivated and conscientious

Key Benefits of Credit Validation Courses

Make Your Work Count

Earn credit for your previous work in trainings, workshops, and conferences through a simple process.

Advance Faster

Save money by earning credit for work you completed and get one step closer to salary advancement.

Work Towards a Degree

Many receiving institutions may accept credits towards degree programs, giving you a head start in earning a graduate degree.